propulsé par Infomaniak

Natural Pleasure #20

Frankito et Dr No, des disques Super Friends sont encore aux commandes pour un mix d'1h30. Enjoy!! Rendez vous Vendredi 11 juin à 21h. Rediffusion Dimanche 13 à 18h et lundi 14 à 14h Natural Pleasure # 20‏, Frankito selecta: 1/INTRO 2/S.F.B BURNIN UP (kon s edit) 3/NO CROWN HANDED WITH LOVE 4/MC KINLEY JACKSON TRIBUTE TO MARVIN GAYE LOVE OUVERTURE 5/MARK CAPANNI I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES 6/STRO THE 89 th KEY FROM THE PROCUSSIONS PLAY THIS SONG 7/GRANDMASTER FLASH & FURIOUS FIVE SUPER RAPPIN THEME(instru) 8/SUNDOWN SPACED OUTTA PLACE PART 1 9/RHYTHM BASED LOVERS BOOGIE VISION 10/MADLIB MEDICINE SHOW N°3 JUNGLE MUSIC 11/SOFRITO SPECIALS 001 MUSIC IS THE WORD 12/TWILIGHT LOVE S HIGH playlist drno NP#20 (start +45min) Seu Jorge Everyone Loves The Sunshine Rednoze Distrikt Gotta Make A Move (feat Lady Alma) Uncle Swerve Cool Temptation Micatone Run (Seiji mix) Rednoze Distrikt Zmit (feat Stefan Schmit) Micatone Trouble Boy (Eva Be's Trouble Girl mix) The Bamboos The Ghost Me & You sneaker thief Uptown Funk Empire You've Got To Have Freedom (Patchworks remix) Chesca Heat ray Frank Booker universal drive Irfane Interlude * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Natural Pleasure #19 en libre écoute: Dr No: [video:dew:http://blanche.radiomeuh.com/blog/media/users/phil/Natural_Pleasure_19_Drno.mp3] Playlist: Arthur Blythe "Automn in NY" Kunkiness "she's acid" unknown Sanchez "faith" Basement Freak "mission jazz" Harris Ray "Tokyo Blue" Frolich "Trippinf Sharron Red "Beat the street " Sujki "brazilian rythm" Prince "Dig you better dead" Shafig Husayn "dust and kisse" Jouvert Singers "Stand on the world" Harry & KB "Black Water Gold" Raffy Rodriguez (start +47 min) [video:dew:http://blanche.radiomeuh.com/blog/media/users/phil/Natural_Pleasure_19_RaffyRodriguez.mp3] Playlist: Wevie Stonder the Smurfs "smurf for what" Clinton "Mathematics" Antibalas "che che cole" Paul Hardcastle Julia & co "DC drug free" la Taverne du Lac "Tutle" Trio Mocoto Jimmy Smith "the way you look tonight" Snoboy "Barago" Fancy "chinese eyes" To-Ka project "two stones" Two man sound Retrouvez tous les précedents numeros en écoute libre à la rubrique Natural Pleasure de notre blog

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